Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 14.3 BundlePermission constructor parameters
String symbolicName Symbolic name of the bundle to which this permission applies
String actions
Comma-delimited list of the actions granted by the permission
( provide , require , host , or fragment )
Fragment dependencies are controlled by the host and fragment actions, which give a
bundle the ability to be a host bundle for matching fragments or be a fragment for
matching hosts, respectively. Another similarity to PackagePermission is that the
provide action implies the require action.
Using BundlePermission isn't sufficiently different from using PackagePermission ,
so we won't look into it any further. Instead, we'll move on to the next OSG i permission.
AdminPermission is a lifecycle-layer permission to control access to sensitive frame-
work operations and information. The operations and information protected by
AdminPermission are diverse, which makes it somewhat complex but fairly powerful.
Ta b l e 1 4 . 4 s h o w s t h e p a r a m e t e r s n e e d e d t o c r e a t e s u c h a p e r m i s s i o n .
Table 14.4 AdminPermission constructor parameters
LDAP filter to specify matching bundles
String filter
String actions Comma-delimited list of the actions granted by the permission ( class ,
execute , extensionLifecycle , lifecycle, listener ,
metadata , resolve , resource , startlevel , or context )
When you grant AdminPermission to a bundle, that bundle is allowed to perform the
specified actions on the bundles matching the filter. The filter uses the same LDAP fil-
ter syntax used by the OSG i service registry, but only the following attributes are
defined for matching:
signer —Identity information about the bundle provider
location —Bundle location
id —Bundle identifier
name —Bundle symbolic name
We'll give some filter examples shortly. First we'll briefly describe what the granted
actions allow on the matching bundles:
class —Load a class
execute —Start, stop, and set the start level
extensionLifecycle —Manage extension bundles
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