Java Reference
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permission management. We'll look at these services shortly; first, let's examine OSG i-
specific permissions defined by the OSG i specification.
OSGi-specific permissions
Certain methods in the OSG i framework API perform sensitive operations or provide
access to sensitive information. To control which code can access these sensitive meth-
ods, the OSG i specification defines a few custom permissions, as you learned about in
the last section. You can group these permissions by the layers of the OSG i framework,
as shown in table 14.1.
Table 14.1
Permissions defined by the OSGi specification
PackagePermission —Controls which packages a bundle is allowed to
import and/or export
BundlePermission —Controls which bundles a bundle is allowed to require
Lifecycle AdminPermission —Controls which bundles are allowed to perform sensitive
lifecycle operations
Services ServicePermission —Controls which services a bundle is allowed to pub-
lish and/or use
We'll introduce these OSG i permissions in the following subsections, and you'll subse-
quently use them when we discuss permission management.
Names and actions
Standard Java permissions typically have constructors that accept two parameters:
a name string and an actions string. The meaning of these parameters is determined
by the specific permission. For example, expects a file
path for name and a comma-delimited value that may include READ , WRITE , EXECUTE ,
or DELETE for actions. The combination of name and actions allows you to express
everything the permission allows you to control. All of the OSGi-specific permissions
follow this pattern, as you'll see.
PackagePermission is a module-layer permission giving you the ability to limit which
packages a bundle can import or export. For example, we discussed how methods can
use AccessController.doPrivileged() to allow code with insufficient privileges to
perform sensitive operations. You may not want any arbitrary code using the packages
containing these privileged operations. In that case, you can use PackagePermission
to limit which bundles can import the packages containing the associated classes.
Likewise, you can use PackagePermission to control which bundles can export a
given package, because you may only want trusted bundles providing some packages.
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