Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Launching and
embedding an
OSGi framework
This chapter covers
Introducing the OSGi framework launching and
embedding API
Explaining the generic bundle launcher used
throughout the topic
Embedding the OSGi framework into an existing
We've spent a lot of time talking about creating, deploying, and managing bundles
and services. Interestingly, you can't do anything with these unless you have a run-
ning OSG i framework. For such an important and necessary topic, we've spent very
little time discussing how precisely to achieve it. Not only is it necessary, but by
learning to launch the framework, you'll have the ability to create custom launch-
ers tailored to your application's needs. It even opens up new use cases, where you
can use an instance of an OSG i framework inside an existing application or even
embedded inside a bundle. Interesting stuff.
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