Java Reference
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types you need, and then separately deploy a bundle containing an application config-
uration describing which instances of which components to create and how to config-
ure them. For example, consider the following simple component:
public class HelloImpl implements Hello {
private String name;
public void sayHello() {
System.out.println("Hello my name is " + name);
This component prints a message telling you its name, where its name is injected into
the member field name . You indicate this by using the i POJO @Property annotation.
Here's how to create and configure four different instances of the component:
<instance component="hello">
<property name="name" value="David"/>
<instance component="hello">
<property name="name" value="Karl"/>
<instance component="hello">
<property name="name" value="Richard"/>
<instance component="hello">
<property name="name" value="Stuart"/>
You declare four different component instances and uniquely configure each. When
the bundle containing this component configuration is activated, the i POJO runtime
finds the component type associated with the name hello and instantiates it four
times, injecting the appropriate configuration into the corresponding instance. In
addition to simple name-value properties, i POJO also supports lists, maps, arrays, sets,
and dictionaries as configuration properties.
This is the recommended approach for creating component instances. And
remember, the XML is only parsed at build timeā€”no XML parsing goes on at
execution time. Regardless, some people wish to avoid XML , which brings us to the
next approach.
i POJO also supports the @Instantiate annotation. It provides a way to create a com-
ponent instance without XML and is largely equivalent to declaring a static singleton
in Java code. You use it like this:
public class FooImpl implements Foo {
public void doFoo() {
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