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because you need it to create the window for the paint program. For components that
don't provide a service, it's an error to set immediate to false because they would
never be instantiated; instead, they're implicitly defined as immediate components.
The final tool in the Declarative Services toolbox is component factories. These pro-
vide a programmatic mechanism to instantiate new instances of components. In many
ways, this is similar to the factory PID mechanism of creating components mentioned
earlier; but instead of going via the ConfigurationAdmin interface, the Declarative
Services specification provides a mechanism to declare a component as explicitly pro-
viding a factory API , which is then manipulated by a secondary service to construct
actual instances of the components.
To see how this works, let's consider a slight variation of the original paint example
where a shape component factory is registered to provide shape components on
demand. You create a component factory by declaring the component using the
factory=<factory.identifier> attribute on the top-level component declaration:
<scr:component xmlns:scr=
factory="shape.factory" name="shape">
This results in the Declarative Services framework publishing a ComponentFactory ser-
vice into the service registry. Component factory services can be used like any normal
services; for example, client code wishing to be injected with this component factory
can do the following:
Here the target attribute of the reference element is set to the name of the factory
attribute of the declared component. To create a new shape instance, you use the fol-
lowing code.
Listing 11.7 Using a component factory
import org.osgi.service.component.ComponentFactory;
public class ShapeManager {
private AtomicReference<ComponentFactory> factoryRef =
new AtomicReference<ComponentFactory>();
void addShapeFactory(ComponentFactory factory) {
component factory
void removeShapeFactory(ComponentFactory factory) {
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