Java Reference
In-Depth Information
In this chapter, we discussed how to manage your OSG i-based applications. We cov-
ered the following issues:
One of the key management tasks is deploying bundles to the OSG i framework.
You can use multiple techniques to do so, including rolling your own approach
or using technologies like OBR and Deployment Admin.
OBR focuses on discovering and deploying bundles and the transitive closure of
their dependencies, whereas Deployment Admin focuses on defining and
deploying sets of bundles and needed resources.
You can use the Start Level Service to control the relative activation order of
your deployed bundles, which may be needed in a few situations like creating
splash screens and different execution modes.
These topics have given you a fairly good foundation for managing your bundles. Now
that you know how to build and manage your OSG i applications, we'll move into more
advanced topics, such as service-oriented component models.
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