Java Reference
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<MetaData xmlns="">
<OCD name="EchoServer" id="" description="Echo Server Config">
<AD name="port" id="" type="Integer"
description="The port the Echo Server listens on"/>
<Designate pid="">
<Object ocdref=""/>
Don't let this somewhat obtuse XML fool you. It's simple. You first define an Object-
ClassDefinition ( OCD ) called EchoServer , with a unique identifier of (if
you have a matching LDAP /X.500 object class OSG i object identifier ( OID ), you can
use that one; otherwise, use any other reasonably unique name that follows the same
grammar as the LDAP /X.500 OID and a human-readable description). You specify an
attribute definition ( AD ) to describe the configuration properties the echo server
needs. In this case, there's only one: port . Notice the Designate element: this is
where you make the link between the type (the OCD ) and the instance (the PID ). In
this example, the EchoServer description applies to the configurations of managed
services with the PID .
To u s e m e t a t y p e i n f o r m a t i o n , y o u u s e t h e M e t a t y p e S e r v i c e t o l o o k u p m e t a t y p e d e f i -
nitions. The Metatype Service is represented by the following interface:
public interface MetaTypeService {
public MetaTypeInformation getMetaTypeInformation(Bundle bundle);
Using the discovered metatype information, you can generate user interfaces or vali-
date configurations, for example. To demonstrate how to use the Metatype Service,
let's add a type command to the shell to display metatype information, as follows.
Listing 9.6 Metatype Service shell command example
public class MetaDataCommand extends BasicCommand {
public void exec(String args, PrintStream out, PrintStream err)
throws Exception {
MetaTypeService mts = getMetaTypeService();
Bundle b = getBundle(args);
MetaTypeInformation mti = mts.getMetaTypeInformation(b);
String[] pids = mti.getPids();
for (int i = 0; i < pids.length; i++) {
ObjectClassDefinition ocd = mti.getObjectClassDefinition(
pids[i], null);
AttributeDefinition[] ads = ocd
for (int j = 0; j < ads.length; j++) {
out.println("\tOCD=" + ocd.getName());
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