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you no longer see any exceptions or linkage errors:
SPOKE RECEIVED Testing Testing 1, 2, 3...
You just saw how uses constraints can help you avoid inconsistent class spaces and odd
linkage errors, but what happens if they can't be satisfied? You can find out by tweaking
the version range for in the spoke bundle. By using a range of [2.0, 3.0) ,
you leave only one matching exporter of : the spoke bundle itself. But this
breaks the uses constraints on the SPI package exported from the main API bundle,
because it has a range of [1.0, 2.0) for . These two ranges are incompat-
ible: there's no way you can find a solution that satisfies both. The fifth example dem-
onstrates the result:
$ ./chapter08/classloading/PICK_EXAMPLE 5
Error starting framework: org.osgi.framework.BundleException:
Unable to resolve due to constraint violation.
Unfortunately, the framework exception doesn't tell you which constraint failed or
why. Determining why a solution wasn't found without help from the framework can
be time consuming, because the search space of potential solutions can be large.
Fortunately, Equinox has a diag command to explain which constraints were left
unsatisfied. With Felix, you can add more details to the original exception by enabling
debug logging.
For example, if you change the last line in the PICK_EXAMPLE script to
java "-Dfelix.log.level=4" -jar launcher.jar bundles
this enables Felix debug logging, which prints the following message before the
exception is thrown:
$ ./chapter08/classloading/PICK_EXAMPLE 5
DEBUG: Constraint violation for 1.0 detected;
module can see from [1.0] and from [2.0]
The message tells you the unsatisfied constraint is related to the pack-
age. It also gives you the identifiers of the bundles involved. This is another reason
why it's a good idea to use uses constraints. Without them, you'd have to debug con-
fusing class-loading problems with no support from the framework. By using uses
constraints, you can avoid linkage errors to begin with and help the framework
explain why certain sets of bundles aren't compatible. But it can only do this if the
constraints are valid and consistent, which is why we recommend you always use a tool
to compute them, such as bnd.
So far, we've concentrated on what happens when your bundle metadata is wrong;
but even a perfect manifest doesn't always guarantee success. Certain coding practices
common to legacy code can cause problems in OSG i because they assume a flat, static
class path. One practice worth avoiding is the use of Class.forName() to dynamically
load code.
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