Biology Reference
In-Depth Information
Fig. 1. Overview of the protocol for microarray-based comparative genomic
hybridization. S1-S9 represent genomic profiles of the strains analyzed.
3.2. Labeling of DNA (Prime-A-Gene Labeling System; Promega
Modified Protocol)
1. Thaw all components on ice. Keep the Klenow fragment at -20 °C until required.
2. Denature purified, digested genomic DNA in TE buffer at 95 °C for 2 min followed
by immediate chilling on ice.
3. Carry out the labeling reaction in a volume of 50 μL including 5× buffer,
unlabeled dNTPs (each at 20 μ M )( see Note 4 ), denatured template (400 ng),
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