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In the POAT approach, we construct a POAT for each attribute in the training
data. Therefore, for a training set which has m attributes without the class
attribute and n instances, we construct m decision trees. The first tree is a one-
leaf tree constructed using one attribute. The second tree uses two attributes,
and so on; the last tree is constructed using m attributes 11 . Since we obtain m
decision trees with an increasing number of attributes, the complexity of these
trees is:
O (1 nlog ( n )+2 nlog ( n ) + ..+ mnlog ( n ))= O (( i =1 i ) nlog ( n )) =
O ( m ( m +1)
nlog ( n ))
For the same training set, we construct another m decision trees using the PAT
approach. Each tree is constructed for an attribute by using all the attributes
dependent on it. In the worst-case, all the attributes are mutually dependent.
In this case, each decision tree is constructed using m attributes. Therefore, the
complexity of these m trees is:
O ( mnlog ( n )+ mnlog ( n )+...+ mnlog ( n ))= O ( mmnlog ( n )) =
O ( m 2 nlog ( n )).
The Complexity of Classifying a New Instance
Once a decision tree has been built, classifying a new instance is extremely fast,
with a worst-case complexity of O(h), where h is the maximum depth of the tree
[6]. This is true when we classify a new instance without missing values, because
we trace only one path in the decision tree from its root-node to a leaf-node
according to the outcome of each attribute node in this path. Let us assume
that L is the number of leaves in the tree. Therefore, the height of this tree is
superior or equal to log v ( L )[10].
The complexity of classifying a new case is O ( log v ( L )). This complexity
changes when the new instance has missing values for some attributes, because
we trace several paths in the tree instead of only one path. In the worst-case, we
trace all the possible paths. The complexity of tracing all the possible paths in
the tree becomes O ( Llog v ( L )), which is the classification complexity of C4.5.
The complexity of our classification algorithm
In our method, during the classification process, when we encounter a missing
attribute-test we trace all the paths corresponding to its values. When we reach
a leaf in the final tree, we calculate the probability of each missing attribute
encountered in such a path by calling its tree 12 . The way in which we calculate
the probability of each missing attribute is not arbitrary. We always start by
dealing with the attribute which is the less dependent on the class. Therefore, in
11 In the worst-case, when all the m-1 attributes are dependent on the attribute m .
12 POAT or PAT according to the situation. We take into account the other missing
attributes encountered in such a tree.
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