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Reset R k i . R k i represents
the i th RecBF of class k, and
W k i represents its weight.
R k i {
W k i = 0
(a,b,c,d) k i = (a,-,-,d) k i
pattern (x,µ) {
k = argmax 1•k￿c k (x)}
if R k i :x [a k i ,d k i ] then
W k i = W k i + 1
m k = m k + 1; a k mk = 1
(a,b,c,d) k mk = (-,x,x,-)
end if
R i j with ￿ i (x) = 0 {
if x [a i i ,d k i ] then
end if
covered() stretch the core-
region of R k i selected to
commit : a new RecBF is
created, having its core-
If a pattern is incorrectly
covered by a RecBF of an-
other class, its support-
region will be reduced until
the conflict will be solved.
This action is done in
shrink() .
Fig. 2.3. One epoch of the DDA/RecBF algorithm. The algorithm iterates until stability of the
RecBFs is reached.
Core Region
Fig. 2.4. An example of the execution of the DDA/RecBF algorithm for a 2-dimensional sys-
tem. (1) shows 3 patterns from one class determining a RecBF, (2) shows 2 patterns from an-
other class and how they cause the creation of a new RecBF and shrink the existing one, (3) and
(4) show the different RecBFs created when the inclusion of new pattern is done, just varying
the x coordinate: outside and inside the core-region of the other class. The x and y axis show
the different membership functions created.
However, in our case we work with imbalanced or highly imbalanced datasets, and
to avoid granulation of the membership functions of the minor-class, it is absolutely
necessary to generalize this class, because the main problem is when the method has
to classify/test patterns belonging to this class, not shown during the training process.
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