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Installing the Storm Client
The Storm client will enable you to use the commands to manage topologies into a
cluster. To install the Storm client, follow these steps:
1. Download the latest stable version from the Storm site (
marz/storm/downloads ) at this moment the latest version is storm-0.6.2.
2. Once you've downloaded the version, unzip it into the /usr/local/bin/storm to have
storm in a shared directory.
3. Next, add the storm binary PATH variable to be able to run the storm command
without having to put the complete path, if we've used the /usr/local/bin/storm
directory, the command will be export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/bin/storm .
4. After that, you need to create a Storm local configuration where you'll say which
is your nimbus host. To do it, create a file in ~/.storm/storm.yaml with the following
content: "our nimbus address"
Now, you have the needed to manage topologies in your Storm cluster.
The Storm client contains all the storm commands needed to run a
Storm cluster, but to run it you need to install other tools and configure
some params. See how to do that into the Appendix B .
To manage the topologies into the cluster, you have a bunch of very simple and useful
commands that allow you to submit, kill, disable, re-enable, and rebalance our topol-
The jar command is responsible for executing your topology and submitting it to the
cluster through the StormSubmitter object into the main class.
storm jar path-to-topology-jar class-with-the-main arg1 arg2 argN
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