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public abstract class AbstractAnalyticsTest extends Assert {
def jedis
static topologyStarted = false
static sync = new Object ()
private void reconnect () {
jedis = new Jedis ( TopologyStarter . REDIS_HOST , TopologyStarter . REDIS_PORT )
public void startTopology (){
synchronized ( sync ){
reconnect ()
if (! topologyStarted ){
jedis . flushAll ()
populateProducts ()
TopologyStarter . testing = true
TopologyStarter . main ( null )
topologyStarted = true
sleep 1000
public void populateProducts () {
def testProducts = [
[ id: 0 , title: "Dvd player with surround sound system" ,
category: "Players" , price: 100 ],
[ id: 1 , title: "Full HD Bluray and DVD player" ,
category: "Players" , price: 130 ],
[ id: 2 , title: "Media player with USB 2.0 input" ,
category: "Players" , price: 70 ],
[ id: 21 , title: "TV Wall mount bracket 50-55 Inches" ,
category: "Mounts" , price: 80 ]
testProducts . each () { product ->
def val =
"{ \"title\": \"${product.title}\" , \"category\": \"${product.category}\"," +
" \"price\": ${product.price}, \"id\": ${} }"
println val
jedis . set ( product . id . toString (), val . toString ())
Implement a method called navigate in the AbstractAnalyticsTest class. In or-
der for the different tests to have a way to emulate the behavior of a user navigating the
website, this step inserts navigation entries in the Redis server navigation queue.
public abstract class AbstractAnalyticsTest extends Assert {
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