Databases Reference
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Once you have installed the native libraries, download the latest Storm stable version
(Storm 0.7.1 at the time of this writing), and unzip it.
Modify the configuration file to add your Storm cluster configuration (you can see all
default configurations on defaults.yaml in the Storm repository).
To modify the storm cluster configuration, you'll need to edit the conf/storm.yaml file
located in the Storm folder and set (at least) the following parameters:
- "zookeeper addres 1"
- "zookeeper addres 2"
- "zookeeper addres N"
storm.local.dir: "a local directory" "Numbus host addres"
- supervisor slot port 1
- supervisor slot port 2
- supervisor slot port N
The parameters are the following:
The address of your zookeeper servers.
A local directory where the Storm process will store internal data. (It's very im-
portant that the user who runs the storm process has write access over this direc-
The address of the machine where the Nimbus will run.
The ports (normally starting on 6700) that the workers use for receiving messages;
the supervisor will run one worker per port declared into this property.
When you've configured these parameters, you can run all the Storm processes. If you
want to do a local test, you can configure to localhost.
To start one process, run into the Storm folder: ./bin/storm process name.
Storm comes with an excellent utility called Storm UI, which enables
you to monitor your topologies.
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