Java Reference
In-Depth Information
IDEA has a number of built-in features to provide user assistance, whether you
have a problem with IDEA itself, with the Java API , or even your own Java code.
This appendix deals with help with IDEA itself; Java code completion and API
browsing features are covered in chapters 2 and 3.
We've written this book with the assumption that you won't be reading the
whole thing cover to cover before using IDEA . We assume you'll read the first few
chapters to get a handle on the basic way IDEA works and then hit the various
details as you encounter them. We hope the topic proves to be a handy reference
as well as a useful tutorial.
A.1 Using the integrated help text
IDEA uses the standard JavaHelp interface to provide application help text in the
product. To bring up the help text, execute Help | Help Topics to bring up the
Help tool, shown in figure A.1. You can browse the topic tree or click the search
Figure A.1
IDEA features a well-written and hierarchical user manual, suitable for browsing.
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