Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Change the name of the configuration from Unnamed to Hello World in
the Name text field.
Click the ellipsis button ( ) to the right of the Main Class text field.
Doing so causes the Choose Main Class dialog to appear.
The Choose Main Class dialog allows you to select the class to execute
either by name or by navigating the source tree. This project has only
one class, so finding it is simple. Click once on the class name in the list,
and then click OK to select it.
In the Use classpath and JDK of module drop-down list, select the Hel-
loWorld module. Doing so tells IDEA that it should use the JDK associ-
ated with the HelloWorld module to execute the class.
Uncheck the Display settings before running/debugging option to pre-
vent IDEA from showing this configuration screen every time you try to
run or debug your project.
Click OK at the bottom of the Run/Debug Configurations window to
execute the program. Doing so makes these options an acceptable con-
figuration that you can subsequently run and returns you to the editor.
Be sure the HelloWorld run/debug configuration is chosen in the selector
on the toolbar. To execute that configuration, select Run | Run . Alterna-
tively, click the Run button next to the configuration selector or use the
Shift+F10 keyboard shortcut.
Now that you've seen the long way of defining a run/debug configuration,
here's a quicker method: Right-click anywhere inside the class, and select
the Run HelloWorld.main() menu item. Doing so creates a temporary
run/debug configuration that can be used multiple times during the cur-
rent IDEA session and can also be saved permanently if necessary.
Once you give the run command, IDEA executes the class, and the Run tool win-
dow automatically opens at the bottom of the screen. This tool window is respon-
sible for displaying all the output from executed run configurations. The first line
in the window shows the command line IDEA used to run the class, including all
options and arguments. The last line shows that the process has exited normally
and that you're not the victim of an infinite loop. And, if all has gone well, you
should see a friendly “Hello, World!” between those two lines.
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