Java Reference
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Navigating within the views
In the Commander, you can double-click folders to open them, revealing their
contents. To go back up a level, double-click the Up Arrow icon at the top of each
panel. You can use the arrow keys to navigate between entries and the Enter key
to move between directories. To jump back to the root folder, press Ctrl+\ . The
Commander remembers your position, so you don't need to worry about losing
your place. You'll always be returned to the last folder you visited. To switch the
focus between the two views, press the Ta b key or make a selection in the other
view with your mouse. The keyboard shortcuts for the commander are shown in
table 13.2.
Table 13.2
Keyboard shortcuts in the Commander
Synchronize Views
Sets the contents of both panels to the folder selected in the
active panel
Change Active Panel
Switches the focus between panels
Toggle Root Folder
Loads the root folder in the active panel
Swap Panels
Swaps the contents of the two panels
If you double-click a file, it's loaded into the editor, provided it's a supported file
format. The one exception is Java classes. Instead of loading the files into the edi-
tor, the Commander shows you the contents of the class (its methods, fields, and
so on), as in the Structure view. Double-clicking a method or field loads the file
into the editor with the cursor at the start of the selected element.
To load a class file into the editor without drilling down into its structure
view, select the class in either pane and press Ctrl+Enter (or F4 to move
focus to the editor).
The command View | Synchronize Views ( Alt+F6 ) ensures that both panes dis-
play the same folder. This command is available only when you have the Com-
mander window active and have selected one of the two panes. When you
execute the command, the non-active pane's contents change to show the folder
currently visible in the selected one. Note that the folders won't remain synchro-
nized if you switch to another folder in either of them—this operation is a one-
shot deal.
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