Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 12.10
The File template editor lets you manage your file templates.
The Te m p l a t e s tab lists all the templates in the system. The color of the tem-
plate name indicates the type of template and its status, and the icon tells you
the file type:
Bold— A default template that can be edited but not removed
Black— A default template that can be edited or removed
Blue— A user-defined or -edited template
To edit a template, select it from the list. Doing so loads the template into the edit
window in the upper-right corner. You can see that a template is a combination of
static text and scripting variables.
To restore one of the bundled templates to its default values, shut down
IDEA and delete the template file from IDEA 's config folder under the
fileTemplates directory. The next time you start IDEA , the default
template will be restored.
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