Java Reference
In-Depth Information
will live. Open the HelloWorld subnode by clicking its attached plus sign
( + ) or by double-clicking the node itself.
Within the HelloWorld module is a src directory marked by a folder icon
with small blue dot (and possibly a HelloWorld.iml file, if you didn't
change the default location of your module file; feel free to ignore that
file during this exercise). Right-click the folder to bring up a context
menu, and select New | Package from that menu. (Alternatively, you can
begin using IDEA 's huge library of keyboard shortcuts: Press Alt+Insert
to open a New context menu.)
You're prompted for the name of this new package. Type in the name
com , and click OK (or press Enter ). Doing so creates the first layer of the
package structure in your project.
Repeat the process in steps 3 and 4 to create the subpackage acme under
com , and then helloworld under acme .
With the com.acme.helloworld package created, right-click the hel-
loworld package icon and select New | Class from the context menu
( Alt+Insert ).
Enter the name HelloWorld as the new class name, and click OK .
IDEA creates a simple Java source file with the appropriate package and class dec-
larations. It also opens that file in the source code editor. Now that you have the
shell, you can edit the file to suit your needs. Add the main() method shown in
listing 1.1, but follow these steps to do so:
Inside the HelloWorld class, type the letters psvm and then press Ta b . The
main() method should be roughed out for you by IDEA 's Live Template
mechanism, a customizable code generation facility.
Inside the main() method, type the letters sout , and then press Ta b .
Again, the call to println() is added for you, and your cursor is placed
within the double quotes, waiting for the String you wish to print.
Listing 1.1
A simple HelloWorld application, written in IDEA
package com.acme.helloworld;
* Created by IntelliJ IDEA.
* User: ssaunders
* Date: 1-Jun-2005
* Time: 9:00:00 AM
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