Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Table 12.4
The Colors & Fonts properties that apply when editing a Java source file (continued)
Property name
What it controls
String constants, such as "Hello World"
Valid escape in string
Valid escape character within a string, such as \n for a carriage return
Invalid escape in string
Invalid escape character within a string, such as \g
Operator sign
Symbol representing an operator, such as + , = , and <
All method definitions, and the calling of methods
Braces that define the limits of a code block
Square brackets used in the definition and use of primitive array types
Commas used in any argument notation, including array declaration
Character used to signify the end of all lines of code in Java
Dots used in package notation
Line comment
Comments of the // variety
Block comment
Comments of the /* */ variety
JavaDoc comment
JavaDoc comments, /** */
JavaDoc tag
JavaDoc tags, such as @return and @see
JavaDoc markup
HTML in JavaDoc comments
Unknown symbol
Reference to a variable, method, or other symbol that isn't defined
Invalid Java syntax
Java code that is circumspect, such as assigning a static to a non-static
Deprecated symbol
Attempts to use deprecated classes, methods, or fields
Unused symbol
Symbols that have no known references
Java class names
Java interface names
Local variable
Local variables (variables within a method body)
Instance field
Instance variables (variables within class scope)
Static field
Static field variables
continued on next page
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