Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Managing spacing
The Spaces tab gives you an abundance of options to specify how and when
spaces are used in your code. As you change your options, you can view the effects
of the change in the preview window. The options break into six categories:
Before Parentheses controls spacing between methods, keywords, and
opening parentheses.
Around Operators controls spacing around mathematical and boolean
Before Left Brace controls spacing around curly braces after keywords.
Within Parentheses controls spacing inside parentheses.
In Ternary Operator controls formatting of the ternary operator ( condi-
tion ? true : false ).
Other controls miscellaneous spacing options such as spacing around
punctuation, commas, and so forth.
Customizing import statements
The options in the Imports tab control how IDEA manages import statements.
IDEA can automatically import classes and packages for you, and it can optimize
your import block based on the settings in this tab.
Optimizing imports
You can use the command Tools | Optimize Imports ( Ctrl+Alt+O ) to rearrange
your imports as specified in your layout settings. It also removes unused imports
and uses packages instead of single classes if specified in your options. You can
optimize imports from the Project view by right-clicking a file, a package, or
directory and selecting the Optimize Imports option from the context menu. If
you wish, you can optimize imports across your entire source tree.
The Optimize Imports command has been moved from the To o l s menu to the
Code menu.
Configuring the basic import rules
When you reference a class outside the current package, IDEA can automatically
import the necessary class or package for you. The settings on the Imports tab of
the Global Code Style settings control exactly what is imported and how:
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