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editor could make this claim without support for enterprise application develop-
ment using J2EE technologies. IDEA provides facilities for working with the cen-
tral technologies in J2EE : servlets, JSP s, and EJB s. Although servlets can leverage
most of the standard editor features mentioned so far, JSP s are a hybrid mix of
HTML and Java and thus can't. To accommodate, the editor has built-in comple-
tion for JSP tags and attributes, along with refactoring support and syntax/error
demarcation (it's quite a mature XML editor, another technology that helps bind
J2EE together). IDEA 's EJB wizard creates new EJB s quickly and easily, and the sys-
tem knows the J2EE specification well enough to provide visual cues delineating
issues that can prevent deployment.
Beyond this working-with-code perspective, IDEA also integrates with the
enterprise application servers, the containers within which these technologies
carry out their operations. Enterprise applications are typically more complex
than their non-enterprise counterparts, due in part to their more involved mecha-
nism for deployment and execution. IDEA 's application server integration allows
for much of this mechanism to be automated, freeing your time to work on the
critical business logic of your application. IDEA 's extensible plugin mechanism
also allows for nonbundled application server support to be included—and
updated—in a timely and modular fashion.
IDEA 5.0 also offers greatly enhanced support for web content, such as HTML ,
CSS , and JavaScript. Developers of enterprise applications often find themselves
working in these technologies when implementing front-end user interfaces.
Now, features such as code structure analysis, Move and Rename refactoring, and
code completion are available on these file types. This is another example of how
IDEA continues to grow and assist professional developers in meaningful ways.
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