Java Reference
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affected references, even those in other files. It also takes care of any version con-
trol system actions necessary to keep your tree appropriately synchronized.
These refactorings can be applied in a variety of contexts, including
HTML , JavaScript and CSS files as well as their parent directories
CSS class and id attributes
JavaScript functions, parameters, and variables
Referenced external files, including anchors, images, stylesheets, and
The Copy refactoring is also supported for HTML , CSS , and JavaScript files, but
only for the files themselves, not functions, selectors, and so forth. The Copy
refactoring is a convenient way to create a clone of a file to use as a starting point,
although a more generic approach is to use IDEA 's file template feature to design
your own JavaScript, HTML , or CSS starting points.
Another useful refactorings , Extract Include , makes it easy to move an inline
block of JavaScript or CSS out of your HTML and into its own external file. IDEA
automatically creates the new file and supplies the appropriate tag reference
where the block once stood. You can select this option from anywhere in a Java-
Script or CSS style block. The Inline refactoring does the opposite, pulling in the
contents of an included file and omitting the need for an include statement.
Another refactoring that now extends to web content is IDEA 's Safe Delete
mechanism. As you'll recall from earlier chapters, you activate the Safe Delete refac-
toring by pressing Alt+Delete on a file in the project browser, or through the
Refactor | Safe Delete command. When this refactoring is activated, IDEA
searches for usages of the file to be deleted and informs you about all references to
that file in other project files. The found references are shown in the Refactoring
Preview tool window, and you may jump to the relevant places to resolve possible
conflicts. This is helpful when an HTML , JavaScript, or CSS file is referenced in
multiple locations and its simple deletion (via Delete command) may lead to mul-
tiple broken references. Note that as with other path-sensitive commands, this fea-
ture works correctly only for files referenced explicitly through relative or aliased
paths within the project's content roots.
11.6 Summary
Since its inception, IDEA has promised to be the premiere Java editor on the mar-
ket—the most complete, the most intelligent, and the most easy to use—and no
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