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Completion settings panel. Other code-completion options on this panel affect
code completion with HTML and CSS as they do with other file types.
Fo r HTML tags, any required attributes are immediately added when you use the
code-completion feature. You can use the Ta b key to jump between attributes, filling
in these values. For HTML attributes and CSS properties that specify a specific set
of legal values, IDEA 's code-completion features offer these as suggestions. A typical
example is the align attribute, which must be justify , center , left , or right .
C o d e c o m p l e t i o n i n HTML and CSS also applies to file references made through
src and href attributes. For example, when you include an external JavaScript file
or create an anchor tag, IDEA provides you with a list of matching files and folders
in the same folder as the source file. You can also provide a starting point if your
resources are located in another directory, such as ../images or /scripts . Note that
only paths located in the current project's content roots are considered for com-
pletion, because all paths outside the project are invisible to IDEA .
Another good example of the new code-completion features for HTML and
JavaScript is the HTML event handlers. IDEA offers any JavaScript methods avail-
able to the current document as candidates for a tag's event handler attributes,
such as onLoad() or onMouseOver() .
For JavaScript, IDEA offers completion based on JavaScript keywords, vari-
ables, parameters, and functions defined in your script. Functions, parameters,
and variables have appropriate icons in the completion drop-downs to identify
them. This includes all scripts in the current page, as well as any locally included
script files. However, IDEA doesn't offer code completion against objects defined
outside of the core JavaScript specification. Therefore, don't expect it to com-
plete against window, document, or other objects and methods commonly avail-
able in the browser. One notable exception is the W3C Document Object Model
API (the DOM ) for navigating through HTML ; IDEA provides code completion
and API assistance for this popular specification.
When a code-completion suggestion list appears to complete a tag, at-
tribute, or property, you can use the context help feature ( Ctrl+Q ) to
reference help directly within the list. Use the arrow keys to select the
item you're interested in.
Syntax validation
While you type, IDEA is hard at work making sure your HTML , CSS , and JavaScript
are properly formatted and following correct language syntax. Problems are
flagged appropriately as warnings and errors, just as they are when you're working
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