Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 1.4 The IDEA toolbar has icons representing basic file operations, Undo/Redo, Cut/Copy/
Paste, Search and Replace, backward and forward navigation, and project operations (such as Make/
Build, Run, Debug, and settings/configuration).
clicking the Run or Debug icon next to it runs the selected application. You'll
learn how to define these profiles in chapter 5. If you prefer not to use the tool-
bar, you can turn it off by toggling its entry in the View menu.
The source code editor
Most of the IDEA main frame is reserved for the source code editor. More than
just a simple text editor, IDEA 's source code editor is fully aware of Java syntax,
code formatting, and the classes and libraries available to your project. It assists
you not only in writing code but also in finding and fixing errors.
Each file you open in the editor appears in its own tab at the top of the editor.
Clicking a tab lets you switch between documents; alternatively, the keystrokes
Alt+Right Arrow and Alt+Left Arrow cycle through the tabs. If you desire, you
can create multiple groups of tabs, both horizontally and vertically. You can also
split an editor into two panes in order to work on separate parts of a file simulta-
neously. You'll learn more about the editor and managing files in chapters 2 and 3.
You can use your platform's standard window controls to expand IDEA
to occupy the full screen. If that's not enough for you, full screen editing
mode can give you a little more room by removing the window's frame
and controls. To toggle the full-screen mode on and off, use the View |
Full Screen command or press Ctrl+Alt+F11 .
The tool windows
Jutting out from the bottom and sides of the interface are IDEA 's tool windows .
These secondary windows come in a variety of flavors and provide access to very
specific tasks in the IDE , such as project management, source code navigation,
search results, and integration with revision control systems. Best of all, you can
arrange them however you feel is most productive. We'll talk about managing
tool windows in the next chapter and about the specific tool windows throughout
the topic.
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