Java Reference
In-Depth Information
<%@ taglib uri=""
prefix="mailer" %>
IDEA searches JAR s from the module's Classpath for the .tld file containing the
tag <uri><uri> . In version 5.0
of IDEA , the search is also performed for separate .tld files in registered web
resource directories.
<%@ taglib uri="taglibs-string.jar" prefix="string" %>
IDEA searches for taglibs-string.jar file in the module's Classpath and then looks
for META-INF /taglib.tld in it.
The prefix attribute's value is arbitrary but required: It provides a label for
identifying which library a tag is associated with. You use this prefix throughout
the page to reference tags in this particular library.
Some tag libraries, such as those provided with the Apache Struts pack-
age and JSTL, rely on runtime reflection to resolve the names and values
of properties and JavaBeans in the page. IDEA has no way to accurately
determine whether they're being used appropriately, beyond verifying
that all required attributes have been satisfied.
Implementing an ACME web application
Let's put a web interface on top of the currency converter. The application is
simplistic: You'll implement a JSP form that gathers the required data for per-
forming a currency conversion and a single JSP that is responsible for returning
the results.
The entry JSP should briefly explain its purpose and then provide an HTML
form that the user can fill out to provide the data for the conversion. According to
the API , this data includes the starting currency, the ending currency, and the
amount of currency to be exchanged. Using the Project tool window, create a new
JSP called index.jsp under the resources folder of your ACME web application web
module. Edit it as shown in listing 11.1.
Listing 11.1
The static elements of a simple JSP page that presents an HTML form
to the user
<title>ACME Currency Converter</title>
<h1>ACME Currency Converter</h1>
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