Java Reference
In-Depth Information
IDEA lets you select from the four scopes allowed by JSP : application, request,
page, and session (request is the default).
Once a JavaBean is placed in scope, the editor can also perform completions
when using the <jsp:getProperty> and <jsp:setProperty> tags. These tags
require that you specify the reference name of the JavaBean you wish to access.
The editor completes the name for you, allowing you to select from all the Java-
Beans made available through JSP tags. If you use a name that isn't available in
the current context, IDEA flags this as an error.
JavaBean properties are determined through a set of naming conventions
(the familiar getter and setter methods). When you perform a code completion
on the property attribute of either the <jsp:getProperty> or <jsp:setProperty>
tag, IDEA uses these conventions to provide a list of valid property names. Addi-
tionally, you can visit the source behind these properties (if the code is in your
project's source path) through the Go To | Declaration command ( Ctrl+B ),
and you can view their JavaDoc with Ctrl+Q ( View | Quick JavaDoc ).
The JSP 2.0 expression language ( EL ) is fully supported by IDEA 's code comple-
tion and validation features in version 5.0. But note that, because EL has dynamic
nature, only statically known info is highlighted and completed.
Custom and third-party tag libraries
IDEA also has the ability to perform syntax checking and code completion on cus-
tom JSP tags. Support for standard JSP tags like <jsp:getProperty> and <jsp:use-
Bean> is automatic, with no additional setup necessary. For custom tag libraries
you've developed yourself, and for third-party libraries such as JSTL or Struts,
you must take a few initial steps. For IDEA to provide completion and syntax
checking on your tag libraries, it has to know where to find them.
First, your tag library's class files must be part of the module's Classpath.
This is achieved either automatically (if you have the library's sources under
the module sourcepath) or manually by adding the library's JAR file to the
module Libraries .
IDEA must also be able to find your tag library descriptor ( TLD ), which can
either be represented as a separate .tld file or be part of the JAR . Depending on
your case, the necessary settings differ, but they all can be configured in the Web
Module Settings tab of the Paths dialog (covered earlier in this chapter):
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