Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 11.5 Code completion is enabled in JSPs, even completion of non-Java
code. This figure shows an example of code-completing a JSP tag.
Complete Code | Class Name , or Ctrl+Alt+Space ) are available when you're
working with directives, their attributes, and their attribute values; SmartType
code completion ( Code | Complete Code | SmartType , or Ctrl+Shift+Space ) is
available in a scriptlet. As shown in figure 11.5, IDEA helps you select the
attributes of any of the JSP commands. As you'll learn shortly, it also helps com-
plete custom tags and references to JavaBeans.
When you're working with a JSP tag, you can use the View | Parameter
Info command ( Ctrl+P ) to see an overview of the tag's attribute options.
The list of supported attributes appears in a pop-up window. Attributes
listed in bold are required, and optional elements are listed in a normal
font. Any attributes already present in the tag are shown in gray.
JSP includes
IDEA recognizes relative file references in your JSP s. When you deploy a web applica-
tion, remember that JSP URL s in it are relative to the context path of the application.
So, when you include a file via the <jsp:include> tag, IDEA can use your web
application root settings to verify the path reference for you. It even lets you edit
the included file by using the Go To | Declaration ( Ctrl+B ) function when you're
in the page attribute. In figure 11.6, IDEA is showing off its ability to complete the
value of the page by finding all the JSP files in the specified directory.
Note, however, that this convenience only applies to path references in your
JSP code, not references in HTML such as anchor tags, links, or image references.
A web application can be deployed under any context (top-level path) on the
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