Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9.26 The migration tool mimics refactoring in that it batch
processes a series of files and changes all supplied package references.
Creating a migration
Editing or creating a new migration is easy. Click New (or Edit on an existing
migration) to bring up the Edit Migration Map window, shown in figure 9.26.
For each package hierarchy or class you need to rename, click Add to create a new
entry, specifying the appropriate Old and New names. For packages, you must
enter each package, because the migration process isn't recursive and subpack-
ages aren't included by default.
9.5 Summary
The Java compiler warns you about compile-time errors. Common sense makes
you aware of runtime errors. But a developer sitting alone at a desk and archi-
tecting a solution to a problem typically has no feedback on the design until it's
fully implemented and someone else can look at it. Common mistakes in design
and implementation consume a diabolical amount of development time by
requiring bug fixing at a later stage in the process. IDEA includes a configurable
code-inspection facility that gives you a much-needed layer of feedback. It offers
immediate benefit in the form of an inspection audit—and imagine the ROI
when developers see their habitual mistakes outlined by the inspector and
change their habits and processes to avoid those mistakes in the future.
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