Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 9.9
The Structural Search and
Replace command lets you
perform search and replace
operations on logical
structures of code. It's
effectively a template-
based Java-aware search
and replace.
operation, you'd type the word or phrase you're searching for; here, however,
you specify a fragment that describes the code. This is called a search template .
Below the Search template text box are a number of options and settings:
Save template allows you to save the current search template for later
reuse via the Copy existing template button.
Edit variables lets you edit variable references within the search template.
History accesses a list of recent searches so you can reapply them.
Copy existing template accesses a library of dozens of search templates
bundled with IDEA , or templates you've saved yourself through the Save
template button.
Recursive matching enables a structural search in the search results,
recursively. For example, if you search for classes, IDEA will also look for
classes inside those it finds.
Case sensitive determines whether two letters match if they differ only
in case.
Maximum matches limits the number of matches to the specified amount.
Scope limits the search to certain subsets of files with the project.
Working with search templates
The essence of SSR lies in creating the search template. A search template works
similarly to the live templates already discussed. It consists of code fragments
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