Java Reference
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Figure 9.7 IDEA's inspector is aware of a host of conditions it considers questionable. From this
screen, you can specify which inspections to run.
nice. The results are stored in an XML file that you can view with IDEA by select-
ing Analyze | View Offline Inspection Results .
To start the inspector from the command line, you use either the inspec-
tion.exe (on Windows) or inspection shell script (on UNIX and Mac), located
under the IDEA_HOME\bin directory. The script takes the following arguments:
Project file path is the path to the . IPR file of the project you want to
Inspection profile path is the path to the inspection profile to use. Inspec-
tion profiles are saved under the inspection directory of your IDEA settings.
Output path specifies the file where you want to store the results (the result
is an XML file).
Tw o Options are available: The -d <directory> option lets you limit the
inspection to a certain directory rather than the entire project. The -v
<verbosity level> option lets you control the amount of output generated
(0 for quiet, 1 for normal, and 2 for extra noisy).
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