Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 8.5 The StarTeam configuration panel contains the details
necessary to connect and interact with the StarTeam server.
Because StarTeam doesn't have the equivalent concept of a CVS Root, you enter
the properties used to connect to the StarTeam server on the Version Control
configuration panel. These include server, port, username, and password. Select
a project, view, and working directory either by typing them in or by using the
ellipsis buttons to browse the list of available options for each. Use the Te s t C o n -
nection button to verify that your settings are correct and that IDEA can connect
with the StarTeam server.
Although the StarTeam integration plugin is an excellent tool, some features
of StarTeam aren't handled within the plugin. These advanced features must be
managed with the dedicated StarTeam client application.
Using version control system plugins
As with other areas of the product, IDEA has designed a modular system that lets
third-party developers extend the functionality of IDEA through plugins. One
possible use of these plugins is to provide integrated support for other version
control systems. You can check with your VCS vendor and in the IDEA Plugin
Manager for information on any plugins that support your VCS of choice. Once
they're installed, you should be able to select and configure your settings with the
general IDE Settings window, either on the Ve r s i o n C o n t r o l configuration panel
or on a new configuration panel added by the plugin.
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