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StarTeam, from Borland
Perforce (implemented as a plugin)
Various other systems, through third-party plugins
IDEA has always featured some level of support for Perforce, and plugins were
available, but now native support is included as part of IDEA version 5.0. As with
other systems, support is largely transparent, with the exception of the Perforce-
specific options configured through the Version Control settings panel. These
options allow you to specify the configuration settings necessary to connect to
your Perforce server, and how you would like to enable automatic checkouts, adds,
and so forth. This settings panel also lets you switch from using the native Per-
force API to direct calls to the external Perforce executable (which may be neces-
sary if you aren't running Windows).
Also now supported by IDEA is Subversion, the popular open source replace-
ment to CVS . Subversion is quickly gaining popularity in the development com-
munity. If you're checking out a project for the first time, you need to know the
URL for accessing your Subversion repository. IDEA supports all the popular pro-
tocols, including SVN and HTTP . Because version control in IDEA works largely the
same regardless of which system you're using, the only other new element is the
Subversion-specific version control settings. These are displayed when you select
Subversion as your project's version control system.
Configuring IDEA to use CVS
IDEA includes integrated support for CVS , so no external client is required. CVS
configuration information is stored both globally (for settings such as your CVS
repositories and passwords) and on a per-project basis.
Understanding command dialog options
The checkboxes at the top of the Ve r s i o n C o n t r o l panel give you the option of
allowing IDEA to prompt you for additional arguments to CVS each time you per-
form various actions. For each action, a checkbox indicates that IDEA will present
you with an option dialog with options specific to the type of action you're
requesting. If these options are disabled, IDEA uses the default or the previously
used options for each command.
For example, if you enable the command dialog option for the Commit action,
IDEA will ask you to provide explanatory text for each set of changes you commit
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