Java Reference
In-Depth Information
you to choose which method to run from the selected test case. To select more
than a single test method from a test case without running all of them, you must
create your own test suite, as described in the JU nit documentation.
Changing the test's working directory
The Wo r k in g d ire ct o ry option in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog lets you
change the base directory for all relative file paths. This is useful if your test cases
must read or write data files as part of the testing process. Before executing your
tests, the test runner changes to this directory. By default, this directory is the
same directory your project file is in.
Passing parameters to the VM
The VM parameters field in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog is used to
pass system properties or VM options such as the maximum heap size. Any argu-
ments specified here are passed to the JVM executing your tests, just as they
would be when directly running an application.
Passing parameters to the test runner
IDEA 's test runner application ultimately relies on the test-running application
included with the JU nit framework. As such, you can pass parameters to the
underlying test runner by entering them in the appropriate configuration field.
However, since the other configuration options give you an easier avenue of con-
trolling how the tests are run, there's not much benefit to be gained through extra
parameters; but this option is provided in the Run/Debug Configurations dialog
for the sake of completeness. Refer to the JU nit documentation for a list of cur-
rent options.
Selecting the appropriate module
As you learned in chapter 4, IDEA manages most source and Classpath informa-
tion at the module level. In the Run/Debug Configurations dialog, you'll there-
fore need to select the module to which the currently selected test case should run
under if it exists in more than one module. This also determines the JDK used to
execute the tests. An exception to this rule is when you're running all the tests in a
given package.
Triggering a build automatically
The two checkbox options Display settings before running/debugging and
Make module before running/debugging/reloading in the Run/Debug Config-
urations dialog behave exactly as they do for the other types of execution targets
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