Java Reference
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Suspend all threads while stepping . Selecting the Suspend All Threads While
Stepping option can be a productivity win, because the application sus-
pends all the threads while you debug the application. It means the
thread you're currently debugging is the only running thread. No other
thread is affecting resources that may be required; all the energy of the
application is helping you debug the current process. At the very least, no
processing resources that you're not concerned with are being taken up in
the background.
Avoid the use of method breakpoints whenever possible . Method breakpoints are
significantly slower than line number breakpoints and should be avoided
when not required. Setting a line number breakpoint on the first line of
the method is generally adequate if you're tracking method entries. Like-
wise, setting breakpoints on return statements is an equivalent substitute to
tracking method exits.
Use the classic VM for debugging under JDK 1.3 . Under the Launching group
in the Debugger dialog of the IDE Settings is the option Force classic VM .
If your project is using JDK 1.3 or earlier, you'll almost certainly want to
enable this option. In this release of the JDK , Sun introduced the Hotspot
JVM , which significantly increases performance under normal operations
but is a dog under the debugger. Enabling this option launches the VM
with the -classic option, which should run quite a bit faster. This option
isn't available if you're running JDK 1.4 or greater, because later versions of
the JDK don't have this problem. This launching option doesn't apply to
remote debugging sessions.
Use shared memory instead of socket access under Windows . In the Tr a n s p o r t
group in the Debugger dialog of the IDE Settings , you can select your
communication strategy, either Socket or Shared memory . Selecting the
shared memory option tells IDEA to communicate with the debugger via a
shared memory segment rather than via the default option of a local net-
work socket and can provide a modest increase in performance. This
option is available for IDEA users on the Windows platform only. Although
this option only applies to local debugging sessions, you can use a similar
option when setting up a Run/Debug configuration and launching your
remote application to communicate via shared memory.
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