Java Reference
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Figure 6.4 IDEA's support for the JPDA debugging architecture lets you debug not only
local applications but remote applications as well.
If speed isn't critical during the development process, you may want to
run your application server with debugging enabled at all times. This
lets you quickly connect to it with the debugger as problems are encoun-
tered. However, you almost certainly don't want to run your production
servers with debugging enabled, because doing so will reduce perfor-
mance as well as introduce a potential security risk.
Debugging via socket connection
To use network sockets as the communication mechanism between the applica-
tion and the debugger (the default mode of operation), select Socket as your
transport on the Remote tab of the Run/Debug Configurations dialog. Enter the
hostname or IP address of the host on which your application is running. It
doesn't have to be running at this stage, but it must be running before you can
attach the debugger to it. In the Port field, enter the port number to which the
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