Java Reference
In-Depth Information
The icons also serve as convenient shortcuts for managing your breakpoints.
Clicking the icon removes the breakpoint. Successive use of Alt+Click the icon
toggles its state between enabled and disabled. Right-clicking the breakpoint icon
provides a context menu with three options:
Disable (like Alt+Click ) temporarily disables the breakpoint.
Remove permanently removes the breakpoint.
Properties lets you configure the breakpoint in the Breakpoints panel.
Table 6.1 The editor displays the status of your breakpoints in the left gutter. The icons allow you to
immediately tell the type and status of the breakpoint without requiring a visit to the Breakpoints
configuration window.
A breakpoint
A disabled breakpoint
A verified line breakpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
An invalid line breakpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
A field watchpoint
A disabled field watchpoint
A verified field watchpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
An invalid field watchpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
A method breakpoint
A disabled method breakpoint
A verified method breakpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
An invalid method breakpoint (visible only during an active debug session)
Runtime breakpoints
When you run the debugger, it prepares and evaluates the configured break-
points. When this happens, the breakpoint becomes either verified or invalid , and
the icon in the gutter area updates to reflect this state. If the breakpoint is refused
and becomes invalid, in most cases it means there was an absence of debugging
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