Java Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 6.1
The Breakpoints configuration panel lets you manage all your breakpoints in one place.
Managing breakpoints
You can manage breakpoints through the Breakpoints panel, shown in figure 6.1,
which is accessible through the menu option Run | View Breakpoints
( Ctrl+Shift+F8 ) as well as through the corresponding icon on the Debug win-
dow toolbar.
Working with different types of breakpoints
IDEA lets you create four types of breakpoints. Each is managed through its own
tab in the Breakpoints panel. The number beside each type of breakpoint indi-
cates the number of breakpoints defined for that type. IDEA supports the follow-
ing types of breakpoints:
Line breakpoints are assigned to a particular line of Java source.
Method breakpoints act in response to the program entering or exiting a
particular method.
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