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Viewing the Ant build targets
The default build target is shown in a bold font. It's specified in the Ant build file
through the default attribute of the project task. This target is executed if you
click the Run icon with no target selected or double-click the name of the build
file. The targets listed in a normal font are the primary targets. Any target in your
build file that has a description attribute specified is considered a primary target.
The targets in the lighter color text are the secondary targets. Typical Ant scripts
contain many targets that aren't meant to be called directly and are used like sub-
routines by the primary build targets. It's a good practice to specify a description
for all targets that can be called directly.
If your build targets have a value specified for the <description> at-
tribute, passing your mouse pointer over any such targets in the Ant
Build tool window displays the value of the description in the handy
form of a tool tip.
Executing Ant targets
From within IDEA , you can easily execute build targets, review the results of com-
pilation, and navigate directly to any errors encountered. You can even automat-
ically trigger the execution of Ant build targets upon IDEA events such as
compiling, launching, or debugging an application from within IDEA .
Running a build target
The most straightforward way to execute an Ant target is to double-click on it in
the Ant Build window or select it with the mouse and click the Run icon. Doing
so executes the target and displays the results in the Messages window, as we'll
discuss later. Right-clicking an Ant target and selecting the Run Target option
has the same effect.
An alternative way to execute Ant build targets is to select them from the main
Build menu. Each Ant build file you've added to your project is added as a sub-
menu to the bottom of the Build menu's choices, with all the primary targets
listed as child selections. Selecting one of these target menu items is the same as
double-clicking the target from the Ant Build window.
Executing a target from a keyboard shortcut
It can also be handy to create a keyboard shortcut for an Ant target. Doing so
makes it easy to execute common build targets with a single key. The primary Ant
targets for each Ant file in your project are listed as actions in the Keymap control
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