Java Reference
In-Depth Information
body of the conditional with the else block (or the code following the con-
ditional). The resulting operation is logically equivalent.
Remove redundant cast —Removes a cast that is unnecessary because the
cast value is already of the correct type.
Add type cast —Casts a reference to the expected type as allowed to sat-
isfy the conditions. For example, if you're pulling a String from a collec-
tion and assigning it to a local variable, IDEA casts the value from an
object to a String .
3.9 Continuing the ACME project
If you want to use this command-line interface, to test the system if for no other
reason, you'll need a CurrencyService against which to test. That's where the bulk
of the functionality lies; all the program will do, ultimately, is provide a facility to
call that service and provide the results through an effective user-interface. Let's
mock up a false service called FixedRateCurrencyExchangeService in the com.
acme.conversion.currency.service package. Follow these steps:
Using the Project tool window, right-click the service package and use
New | Class ( Alt+Insert ), naming the class FixedRateCurrencyExchange-
Service .
Make this class implement the CurrencyExchangeService interface by
modifying the class declaration to include the implements Currency-
ExchangeService clause (don't forget, you can use Class Name Comple-
tion [ Ctrl+Alt+Space ] to fill this name in for you). As soon as you do,
IDEA marks the class declaration with a red wavy underline, indicating an
error (there's also a red marker in the marker bar). Hovering your mouse
over the offending code tells you that your class doesn't implement the
interface it claims to. Of course it doesn't—you haven't implemented the
methods yet.
Rather than looking for the CurrencyExchangeService interface, activate
the Code | Implement Methods option ( Ctrl+I ). The ensuing dialog
shows a very small tree: Your class is implementing one interface, and
that interface has but a single method defined. Select the method, and
click OK . You'll be returned to the editor. (Alternatively, you can press
Alt+Enter on the wavy error, and IDEA will suggest solutions to the
error using intention actions, including Implement methods .) In any
case, the method is implemented for you automatically, and the error
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