Java Reference
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or the entire package is imported depends on your code style settings for
importing classes.
IDEA finds these required imports in the existing files and prompts for you to
import them without moving your cursor, thereby not interrupting your current
editing session.
You can disable the pop-up hints and auto-import requests temporarily
by double-clicking the Import Popup entry in the status bar, next to the
memory indicator. Double-click again to turn them back on.
A new option in the Editor settings panel, Add unambiguous imports on the fly ,
improves IDEA 's import management. If you select this option, IDEA won't bother
to ask you whether you want to import a referenced class; if there is only a single
possible match, IDEA will add it.
Using basic code completion
Basic code completion completes the names of classes, methods, fields, and the
Java keywords anywhere in the current visibility scope when you invoke Code |
Complete Code | Basic ( Ctrl+Space ). In the example shown in figure 3.11,
Figure 3.11 Code completion lists all the possible alternatives based on context. In this case, it lists
all variables that are in scope and begin with the letter r .
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