Java Reference
In-Depth Information
list of the parameter types required by the method you're calling after the specified
number of milliseconds has passed. The Show full signatures option, if enabled,
also includes the method name and return type (if the source code is available).
Viewing the JavaDoc
If you need help on the usage of any symbol (class, method, field, and so forth),
place your cursor on the symbol and execute the View | Quick JavaDoc
( Ctrl+Q ) command. You'll be presented with the JavaDoc reference for the sym-
bol. In the example shown in figure 3.8, you can see the JavaDoc reference for
the Double class. Notice that you don't need to go the symbol's original defini-
tion, because IDEA determines the class for you. The JavaDoc comes directly
Figure 3.8 Using Quick JavaDoc is a handy way to read a class's JavaDoc without switching to an
external browser.
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