Java Reference
In-Depth Information
As you start typing characters in the text field, the lookup dialog appears, sug-
gesting names that match that pattern. Because the most common use of these
functions is to type the beginning of a symbol name, IDEA inserts a virtual asterisk
at the end of your pattern, meaning that the pattern matches all symbols begin-
ning with that pattern. Alternatively, you can match the ending of symbol name
by providing an extra space at the end of the pattern string. Finally, the lookup
dialog is also aware of camel-case and can search for symbols based on capital let-
ters. For examples, see table 3.2.
Table 3.2
Semantic of pattern matching in the Go To Class/File/Symbol pop-up dialog
Symbols beginning with serv , such as Servlet , Service , and so on
Symbols with the substring serv anywhere within their name, such as Http-
serv (with trailing
Symbols ending with serv, such as ProtoServ
Symbols starting with AIOOB camel-case (A*I*I*O*B*), such as ArrayIndex-
Navigating with the structure view pop-up
If you know the name of the method in the cur-
rent source file you want to edit, you can use the
structure view pop-up to get there quickly. The
pop-up menu, shown in figure 3.3, is accessed by
choosing View | File Structure Popup ( Ctrl+
F12 ). This window lists all of the current file's
classes, methods, and fields in alphabetical
order, grouped by classification. You can double-
click or use the arrows keys to choose the method
to edit. You'll be taken to the beginning of the
method's declaration.
An easier method, however, is to enable the
Narrow down the list on typing option by clicking the checkbox or using the
mnemonic. When it's enabled, you can begin typing the name of the entry you
want to edit. As you type, all of the methods that don't start with the name you've
Figure 3.3 The structure view
pop-up makes it easy to navigate the
code structure of the current class.
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