Databases Reference
In-Depth Information
Column name
This column represents the total number
of pages that have been deallocated or/
and are no longer reserved for user-defined
objects by the session.
This column represents the total number
of pages that have been allocated to or
reserved for internal objects by the session.
This column represents the total number of
pages that have been deallocated or/and
are no longer reserved for internal objects
by the session.
sys.dm_db_file_space_usage (DMV)
sys.dm_db_file_space_usage is a dynamic management view. This DMV returns space
usage details by providing page allocation and deallocation details for each TempDB file.
This DMV can be used to monitor the number of unallocated, allocated, or reserved pages
in TempDB database. The following are some of the useful columns of this DMV:
Column name Description
file_id This column represents the internal ID of the
file assigned by SQL Server. This file_id
can be associated and used in Joins with
sys.master_files system catalog view
along with database_id .
unallocated_extent_page_count This column represents the total number of
pages in unallocated extents. This column
can be used to calculate free space in
TempDB database.
version_store_reserved_page_count This column represents the total number
of pages in uniform extents that have been
allocated or reserved for version store
This column represents the total number
of pages in uniform extents that have been
allocated or reserved for user-defined objects.
This column represents the total number
of pages in uniform extent that have been
allocated or reserved for internal objects.
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