Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
Figure 3.4 . Determination of creep law (left) and sliding law (right)
for the Sallèdes landslide [VUL 00]
3.2.3 . Modeling of the mass
The modeling of movement in the three-dimensional case with or without water
has been proposed by Vulliet [VUL 86, VUL 88a] and validated in academic (see
Figure 3.5) and real cases (see Figure 3.6).
3.3. Limit state analysis
3.3.1. Mohr-Coulomb criterion
The majority of the traditional methods for evaluating the stability of slopes (see
Figure 3.1b) are based on the hypothesis of a rigid, perfectly plastic material whose
plasticity criterion is that of Mohr-Coulomb:
' '
with σ' the normal stress on the failure surface and τ f the shear strength on this
surface, c' the effective cohesion and φ' the angle of effective internal friction.
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