Environmental Engineering Reference
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[MAN 94a] M ANASSERO M., S HACKELFORD C.D., “Classification of industrial wastes for re-
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[MAN 96b] M ANASSERO , M., V AN I MPE , W.F., B OUAZZA , A., “Waste disposal and
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[MAN 97a] M ANASSERO M., “Pollutants containment via passive barriers”, Proceedings of
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[MAN 97b] M ANASSERO M., D I M OLFETTA A., P ACITTI M., V EGGI S., “The case history of a
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[MAN 00] M ANASSERO M., B ENSON C., B OUAZZA A., “Solid waste containment systems”,
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[MCQ 99] M C Q UADE , S.J., N EEDHAM , A.D.,, “Geomembrane liner defects-causes, frequency
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[OLI 00] O LINIC E., Landfill bottom lining systems, Master of Science Thesis, Politecnico di
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[RAB 96] R ABIDEAU A., International Containment Technology Workshop , Sponsored by
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[RAH 01] R AHMAN F., K ODIKARA , J.K., B OUAZZA A., “Compatibility of some compacted
Victorian soils with organic chemicals and waste leachates”, Australian Geomechanics
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[RIC 01] R ICHARDS S., B OUAZZA A., “Comparison of contaminant transport parameters
derived from batch adsorption, diffusion cell and column tests”, Proceedings 3 rd BGA
Conference on Geoenvironmental Engineering , Edinburgh, UK, 2001, pp.361-366.
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