Environmental Engineering Reference
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Figure 16.10. Hydraulic conductivity of compacted soil liners versus thickness: a) theoretical
assessment; and b) experimental trend from field data [BEN 94a, BEN 94b, JES 93]
The recommended minimum thickness for compacted soil liners is four to six
lifts (0.15 m for each lift) or 0.6 to 0.9 m.
Compacted soil liners can be considered to be of high quality if the randomly
measured hydraulic conductivities using standard tests during construction are three
to five times smaller than the value expected for the full-scale liner.
The various kinds of field and laboratory tests for the assessment of compacted
soil liners' hydraulic conductivity have been analyzed and described by [DAN 94].
The representative dimensions of samples for reliable tests are given by [BEN 94c]
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