Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
to low permeability materials for which the accuracy of the tests and appropriate
interpretation procedures are fundamental in order to obtain reliable results.
Figure 16.9. a) Experimental data and simulation model results of phenols concentration
in the leachate versus time; b) concentration of phenols versus time in the aquifer below the
bottom landfill barrier; and c) cumulative flux versus time of phenols leaking from the top
and base of the bottom lining system [MAN 97]
16.6. Bottom barriers
The design of the bottom and barriers of modern landfills should be based on the
fundamental principles listed below:
− the mineral barrier is, in general, the basic component of traditional sealing
systems, referring in particular to the long-term performance ( t > 200 years),
− the requirements and characteristics of the mineral sealing layer in order of
importance are:
- low hydraulic conductivity at field scale,
- long-term compatibility with the chemicals to be contained,
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