Environmental Engineering Reference
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− whether the hydrocarbon is light;
− possible dissolution in the aquifer of the soluble phases; and
− whether volatile components leak into the surrounding air via toxic vapors
released through the pores of the partially saturated soil.
If the components are immiscible, the pollution is a proper fluid phase within the
soil and its transport is studied by means of the models used for the simulation of oil
reservoirs and for partially saturated soils. The phenomenological laws and
governing equations are known and the numerical solution of the coupled equations
required by the problem have been determined by means of finite element codes, of
which some application examples have been shown in this chapter.
Modeling the fate of hydrocarbon pollution requires knowledge of the actual
state of pollution in the soil and the measure or estimation of the corresponding
physical parameters that is as accurate as possible. The uncertainties and variability
of these parameters and the difficulty of their measurement are often more
demanding than the numerical simulation, which takes advantage of experience
gained in neighboring domains.
14.5. Bibliography
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