Environmental Engineering Reference
In-Depth Information
support at various stages of a comprehensive process that can ultimately lead to
clean-up of the site (www.fasp.info).
It now remains to complete the inventory of contaminated sites, which in the
case of France led to a number of sites estimated at between 300,000 and 400,000.
With all the methodological guides put in place, the posting of such information
(http://basol.environnement.gouv.fr/ and http://basias.brgm.fr) should facilitate the
management of urban planning problems and development on polluted sites,
regularly encountered in Western countries, especially in the case of brown-field
12.5. Bibliography
[ACA 98] A CADEMIE DES SCIENCES , Contamination des Sols par les Éléments en Trace: les
Risques et leur Gestion . Rapport N° 42 , Tec & Doc, Paris, 1998.
[ACA 00] A CADEMIE DES SCIENCES , Pollution Localisée des sols et des Sous-sols par les
Hydrocarbures et les Solvants Chlorés. Rapport N° 44 , Tec & Doc, Paris, 2000.
[API 93] A PITZ , S.E., B ORBRIDGE , L.M., B RACCHI , K., L IEBERMAN , S.H., “The fluorescent
response of fuels in soils: insights into fuel-soil interaction”, Environmental Process and
Treatment Technologies, SPIE , vol. 1716, pp. 139-146, 1993.
[AST 98] ASTM Standards, Phase II Environmental Site Assessment Process , ASTM, 1998.
[BEN 93] B ENSON , R.C., “Geophysical techniques for subsurface site characterization”, in:
D ANIEL D.E. (ed), Geotechnical Practice for Waste Disposal , Chapman and Hall, pp.
311-357, 1993.
[BRA 95] B RATTON , W.L., B RATTON , J.L, S HINN , J.D., “Direct penetration technology for
geotechnical and environmental site characterization”, Geoenvironment 2000 , Geotech.
Spec. Publication No. 46, vol. 1, pp. 105-122, 1995.
[BRA 97] B RANDL , H., R OBERTSON , P.K., “Geoenvironmental site investigation, specification
and characterization” Proceedings of the 2 nd International Congress on Environmental
Geotechnics , Osaka, Japan, vol.3, pp.1345-1374, 1997.
[BRG 00] BRGM, Gestion des Sites (Potentiellement) Pollués , BRGM, 2000, available at:
[BRG 01a] BRGM, Guide sur le Comportement des Polluants dans le Sol et les Nappes ,
BRGM, 2001, available at: www.fasp.info.
[BRG 01b] BRGM, Guide Méthodologique pour l'Analyse des Sols Pollués , BRGM, 2001,
available at: www.fasp.info.
[BSI 88] BSI, BSI DD 175: Code of Practice for the Investigation of Potentially Contaminated
Land and its Investigation. Draft for Development , British Standards Institution, 1998.
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